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Basil's story broke our hearts. After 12 faithful years, Basils family dumped him at a high kill shelter to die. To make matters worse, he was 100% blind. We saw Basil crammed into a small kennel with 6 other tiny dogs barking and running all around him. Even as he was getting run over by the rambunctious dogs in his kennel he only sat there, confused, sad, and dejected. Basil was scheduled for euthanasia later in the day and we knew we ad to save him! Basil is a cuddle bug and wants nothing more than to take sun naps in the back yard or lounge on the couch with his person. Although new dogs make him cranky at first, he needs an owner to understand that Basil knows he is defenseless and only wants to make it known to other dogs that he doesn't want them to hurt him! He's a wonderful blind little guy but that doesn't slow him down! He takes laps around the home to familiarize himself with his surroundings and he loves to take laps around the yard! 

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